Friday, July 29, 2011

End of July

I haven't written in quite some time and I'm not going to try and make excuses. This cant be a place where I just try to lay out some lame excuse of a life that is not real. Not that I am saying anything bad is really happening, things have just been one obstacle after another. We have both lost our jobs, I think I have probably had five nervous breakdowns.

I know that him losing his job is really a blessing in disguise and I know its the best interest for all of us for him to go to school. It is absolutely going to be a challenge to make it through these couple of years, but I believe in him so much and I know that he needs to do this for himself as well.

Leaving the salon and discovering this whole new world of books is exciting. Who wouldn't want to work in a a library?? Going from doing hair all day to shelving books has been an adjuustment I gladly move to drawn to books forever and looking at the new things I have learned about the library and helping people to find information and respecting peoples privacy is awesome. I have never been big on trying to market myself like people in the hair industry have to. .
I have been  shy. I dont like feeling  so out there and vulnerable like I did at the salon. But I do like hair and I enjoy doing it, just not to the extreme it seems that people in that industry have to go to. I would much rather shelve and arrange paperbacks the rest of my life.