Friday, July 29, 2011

End of July

I haven't written in quite some time and I'm not going to try and make excuses. This cant be a place where I just try to lay out some lame excuse of a life that is not real. Not that I am saying anything bad is really happening, things have just been one obstacle after another. We have both lost our jobs, I think I have probably had five nervous breakdowns.

I know that him losing his job is really a blessing in disguise and I know its the best interest for all of us for him to go to school. It is absolutely going to be a challenge to make it through these couple of years, but I believe in him so much and I know that he needs to do this for himself as well.

Leaving the salon and discovering this whole new world of books is exciting. Who wouldn't want to work in a a library?? Going from doing hair all day to shelving books has been an adjuustment I gladly move to drawn to books forever and looking at the new things I have learned about the library and helping people to find information and respecting peoples privacy is awesome. I have never been big on trying to market myself like people in the hair industry have to. .
I have been  shy. I dont like feeling  so out there and vulnerable like I did at the salon. But I do like hair and I enjoy doing it, just not to the extreme it seems that people in that industry have to go to. I would much rather shelve and arrange paperbacks the rest of my life.

Monday, September 20, 2010

fall finally fall

Such a relief to be able to say the judge was cool. That hurdle is over and now we can breathe again. Boyd got a fine and probation and he is required to do a pretty intense counseling course. But, all in all in could have been allot worse.
We are still, attempting to move. Our lease was up the beginning of this month, but the manager is being cool and working with us. We cannot renew our lease here because of the income requirements, we do not qualify now that we are married. It could be worse!! We are on the waiting list for another set of apartments, the person in them keeps extending there move out date!! Pretty frustrating, Boyd and I have gotten into the habit of saying,"lets's wait until we move" to allot of things, feels like we are just holding our breath til we know what we are doing.
At least we are not holding our breath to see if he is going to jail anymore!
My mom is moving to another country with her husband. I think it is an interesting choice. She has always been a wanderer, and had that gypsy spirit. Hopefully they will have an amazing, beautiful experience there!! It is definitely weird to think of her going so far away, but I believe it will be for the best. When she moved to California in March, I thought I was going to loose it with not knowing what to do with myself. That was a very good move though, it is better, healthier for us to be apart and able to make our own choices. I know we will always be close, now we can just learn how to be close and healthy.

It is amazing to put the kids on the bus in the morning, seeing them growing up and becoming independent little people.Sterling will join them at the bus stop in just one short year!! Desi absolutely adores waking up  int the morning to her princess alarm clock, and Austen is adjusting well to middle school. It will take some time, the comfort of elementary school is changing to more expectations and I know it is overwhelming but I believe he is going to do great! We go to the G.A.T.E open house Tuesday night and that will be very exciting!
There is a house, I was driving in our neighborhood and saw this house with a for rent sign. I peeked in the windows, walked through the yard. I called the number, a realtor owns the house and rents it out. It is a four bedroom, two bath home. It is in our price range! I really would be ecstatic to move into this house with my family, I think it would be an amazing change for us! We could grow into this house and settle down. Stop moving. Maybe in the future we could even buy it from the realtor. 
I think life is going very well for us. I am hope-full and happy.

Monday, September 13, 2010


So, we have three cars between us, a 95 Probe, a 95 truck and 2005 Grand Am. The only one running right now is the Grand Am, and not to mention Boyd dosent "technically" get his license back til November. *Big Sigh* The Probe needs like a whole new engine, the truck needs new tires. So we do all the running and working and everything with one car right now, which really is fine, considering he works swing and I only work three days a week.

But. Im impatient, or frustrated or something. We honestly have so much going on. I think I am overwhelmed, yes a little. We have to move, in the begining of November. We no longer qualify for "low income" housing, the apts we live in do not have market rate homes. So we get to move. That really is a big stress, I have always moved so much and I just want to settle somewhere and be happy with it.

We only have one car right now, we run around picking up kids, dropping off kids, sharing kids with other people (unfortunate but true) who we really cannot stand.......we are both overwhelmed.
Boyd gets sentenced tomorrow, I think I am sick with anxiety, I am all over the place and I think I just need to quit and have some "me" time.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

They aren't babies anymore

Austen came home from his first day of school. I was really anxious about what he was going to say. I was so happy to hear him say " it was awesome mom"! WHEW!!
Memories of my first days in jr high, 6th grade have been assaulting me all day, and they really are not the best memories. I was a very socially awkward  kid, and yes we all are to some extent but really. I was pretty bad!! I just never did (and still struggle now) know how to get along socially with people.  I think that is alot of why I used drugs and drank so much. To alter myself and feel comfortable.
We went to Desirae's Kindergarten parent conference today. I have so many anxieties with my kids and school!! I need to chill out!! I just hope Desi dosent assault someone, she can be so damn dramatic!!! I dont worry about her socially as much as I worry about her respecting her teachers and other class mates.
Sterling has this last year then he joins the ranks of Public School, I wonder what stressors he will add for me? LOL!!
I adore my kids and I know with each day I will calm down as we all get in the groove of a schedule. I am very excited for us all to have a fantastic year!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Here we begin

I have wanted to do this for a long time. I think having a place to post thoughts and up dates on life will be pretty cool, and what could be better than doing it with my best friend?

Austen starts Junior High tomorrow, how crazy is that?! And Desirae starts Kindergarten, only one lil' one left and all our kids will officially be in school!
it really is an eye opener to think that my oldest is starting 6th grade tomorrow! I am so proud of him, he is such a great kid. I have anxiety for him, but I know he is going to do great!!